Sunday, January 31, 2010

I need a time out.

Someone really needs to give me a timeout. For real.

I was going along on my merry little way...chip chip chipping my way down into the 150s - finally (haven't been there since before I got married and had kids) - and out of nowhere, I get knocked on my behind and off my square.

Each day of this weekend got progressively worse, eating-wise, and although I woke every morning and said my intention prayers and envisioned myself having a great day, and got to the gym and had intense workouts, by 3 pm each day, I was face-down in whatever salty snacks I could find.

I'm not sure why I am sabotaging my own success. I want to get back on track. I'm thinking maybe what I need to do is apply the same principles to myself that have proven successful with my 6-year old.

Last month, we found that her transition to Kindergarten was not as smooth as we had hoped. After getting notes sent home from the bus driver, her music teacher, her teacher and finally a call from the principal (followed by her getting sent home early), I instituted a Star Award program to incentivize her good behavior. For each day that she exhibits good behavior (or at least doesn't get in trouble), she gets star. If she gets a star each day of the week for one whole week, she gets to have a playdate. If she manages to get through the whole entire month with no incidents, she gets what I am calling a Super Playdate - to Chuck E Cheese, or the movies, bowling or ice get the idea.

So, tomorrow is February 1. A perfect day to start my own Star Reward program. For me, there will be a separate reward for making it through each week (M-F) and weekend (Sa-Su). If I make it through the week, I'll get something special (a couple magazines, a manicure, etc.). If I make it through the weekend, same thing. When I make it through an entire month - a big reward - a massage, an outfit, etc. I'm even going to use a calendar and put my own gold stars on there for each day.

Hey, if it works for my 6-year old, why shouldn't it work for me? :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

When life gives you lemons... squirt a few drops of juice in some water, add ACV and stevia and get your behind to the GYM.

This morning, I felt like everything that could go wrong WAS going wrong. I don't know why, but even though we left the house with plenty of time, we got stuck at every red light and almost missed the bus. My poor 7-year old was rushing to get out of the car and hit my second liter of ACV water, it fell out of the car and splashed to the ground. I couldn't get a hold of my husband to see if he'd left the door open for the cleaning lady, so I went back to the house. Everything in me wanted to just skip it. And yet, I went anyway. Was it the best workout ever? No way. My machine was losing battery power while I worked out, and OH WELL. I kept going, anyway. Midway through the workout, Aunt Flow decided to finally rear her ugly a** head. I kept going, anyway.

And now, I'm trying to get work done, and everything seems to be going wrong. And guess what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna keep going anyway.

165.1 this morning. 161 by the end of the month. I'm DETERMINED to reach that goal.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did you just call me out?

OK, fair enough. It's been a week. More than a week. And I haven't posted. But you know why?

BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN BUSY!! Yay, me!! This year is starting off with a HUGE bang. I am SO excited and optimistic about what is coming down the pike.

But seriously, I have been really struggling with hormones and wish TOM would just go ahead and come already. That being said, I have managed to keep it together fairly well and hope to achieve my goal for this month. Fingers crossed. Tony wanted me to be closer to the goal by today. Has anyone out there ever talked to him about the hormonal impacts on weight loss? It's just not realistic for me to lose 2 lbs a week consistently. My body doesn't work that way.

OK, well, there you have it. I posted. Signed in. Present and accounted for. Not really much to say otherwise. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hanging on, hanging in!

OK, so yesterday I gave in to some salt cravings but today is a new day. Tony wants to see me lose two pounds by next Wednesday. It doesn't help that I was up a pound this morning. Dang water retention.

But today was SUCH a good day! First of all, I've already downed 4 liters and had a killer workout. I did squats with 135 lbs and leg presses with 500 lbs, then I did my ending cardio like this:

  • Minutes 1-5, 30 sec at 4 mph, 30 sec at 7 mph
  • Minutes 6-10, 30 sec at 4 mph, 30 sec at 8 mph
  • Minute 9, 30 sec at 4 mph, 30 sec at 9 mph
  • Minute 10, 30 sec at 4 mph, 30 sec at 10 mph.

Woo hoo!

And then, I did all this:

  • Dismantled the tree, put it out and put the decorations up in the attic (with some help)
  • Finished three documents for one client
  • Finished drafting another new document for another client
  • Sent off the last of the 2 birthday invitations for Amelia
  • Emptied the dishwasher
  • Cleaned up the living room (with some help)
  • Called Verizon about my rebate

I could go on and on...I was on FIYAH!!! Then tonight, I made a homemade protein bar. It was kinda nasty, so I'm gonna buy some chocolate Better 'N Butter at the new Whole Foods tomorrow and see if I can doctor it up and salvage it. I can't have regular protein bars because I'm off all dairy, including whey. Say what you want, my skin is almost COMPLETELY clear! It's just a matter of time before my skin is flawless (like my children's skin, if I'm lucky)!

Oh, and guess what else? Pretty soon I'm gonna be a regular guest blogger on a website of a friend of I hope you'll come check me out! Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I watched a movie!!!

And that's it! For the first time, in I cannot remember how long, I went to the movies and I didn't have popcorn or diet soda for the first time! I had my ACV drink and my clean DB approved snack. (Yes, I smuggled it in.) The entire time we were in the movies (seeing Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, and it was awesome), I had my 3-year old in my lap and several times I actually picked popcorn out of her bag and PUT IT BACK. Not a single kernel passed my lips. I cannot believe it even now. This is a huge milestone for me, as going to the movies has always been a huge trigger. This time I just watched the movie, and I really enjoyed it.

I think I may actually make it to the 150s this time! My goals is 145, and if I could get there by my 40th birthday that would be the best present I could ever possibly get!

And my body is changing! I had a photo shoot last week, and my stylist bought size 10 and size small outfits, and they fit! And last night, I got all dolled up to go to my friend's birthday party and when my husband took the photo, I was thrilled to see it!

Hope everyone else is having a great day!

Friday, January 8, 2010

As I suspected 2010 is gonna ROCK!!!

OK, for those of you who aren't on Facebook, we have another GIG on February 27! If you're in the Philadelphia area, please come on through!

Tons of cool stuff happening already this year. I just had an awesome photo shoot last night. And guess what? My stylist bought all the clothes, and I was sliding easily into Express size 10 suits and dresses! WHAT? How wild is that??? I have 20 pounds to go and I'm rockin' size 10s? Does that mean I'm going to be a nice size 6 when all is said and done? How wild would that be???

I'm truly in a zone these days. Am I 100% clean? No, I have to admit that I am not. But probably 90% clean, and no cheats planned until probably Valentine's Day. A nice dinner and night with hubby. Hopefully by then, I will be solidly in the 150s.

This morning, I was 164.1. That means I am down a full SIX pounds since I got home from California on New Year's Day. Amazing. I'm weighing less than I did before the holiday!

This is my year. Work is going well - I know I'm going to have a good and lucrative year. The singing is taking off like wildfire. I'm having a wonderful year in all areas except my family. My brother is in the hospital, I just found out a couple days ago. I hope you guys will keep him in prayer.

OK, back to "Jersey Shore" and then off to bed. Have a great night, everyone!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Blessed to be binge-free!!!

I have so many things to be thankful for. A wonderful husband and three beautiful daughters (shown here with Mary Poppins...not me), a lovely home, a successful business and a budding music career. Add to the list that I now have health and fitness in my life and everything is finally feeling like it is as it should be.

I was away for 10 days over Christmas and New Years, with my children and husband who ate whatever they wanted and did not exercise, not one single time. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I did not plan to binge over the holiday. And guess what happened?

I didn't binge.

I am actually pretty much exactly where I was before the holiday just a couple days into January. I gained maybe 2 pounds? What the heck? You gotta realize, I am someone who just thinks about eating certain foods and gains weight. I gained EIGHT POUNDS over the four-day Thanksgiving holiday!!! Two pounds? Two pounds? Two pounds is NOTHING!

So, yeah, I am grateful. I am grateful for all the wonderful things I have in my life, the wonderful people, the support, the relationship I have developed with God, my job, my singing/songwriting, and I am grateful for having a sane relationship with my body and food...just for today.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My resolution for this year not to make any resolutions.

I choose to make goals, instead. The nice thing about making goals is that you can make progress, without an all or nothing, without straight success/failure. I have had years where I have achieved more than I realized, and years where I realized halfway through that I didn't want to achieve the goals I thought I did, and where I achieved goals I hadn't even known I had.

This year, I have a lot of goals that I'm excited to achieve: finishing my CD, bringing business to my consulting company so I can pay down our credit card debt, finally getting to my goal weight. This year is going to be A....MAAAA....ZING. Guaranteed.

It was a great holiday. Hubby got me my very own iPod Touch, so I downloaded apps to help with my fitness goals. Can't wait to share with you guys my success as I achieve it!!