Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Holy progress, Batman!!!

So, as you all well know I am only weighing twice a month these days. (For those of you awaiting my next weight update with baited breath, it is actually Saturday, not Friday. Boo hoo...) But a dear friend (and fellow Dreambody Diva - the infamous Jacquie P), recommended that I check in on my measurements and bodyfat to get an idea of my progress. I also finally took those long-awaited pics for Tony.

First of all, I was really happy with the pics! Muscles are starting to pop out! (And no, I'm not going to post them until I am well into the 150s, so don't even ask...) But the most exciting news is that (a) I have lost 1.5 inches off my abs since the last time I measured and (b) according to the YMCA bodyfat calculation method, my bodyfat is 26%!!! I am SOOOO excited about this!

That alone is progress, no matter what that dastardly scale says. Yee ha!


Dawn said...

Good job with the progress. I also do my measurements and that really helps to show how I am doing.

Yay on the inches lost in your waist. This is my major problem area.

CathyC said...

That's great! It's so exciting to see our bodies change-your doing so good!