Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why I've been so quiet...

I'm PREGNANT! Yep, that's right. Totally out of the blue, but we are thrilled. So, for those of you who don't already know, that's why I haven't been blogging lately. Also, there's the fact that my weight is sky rocketing so that wouldn't be very motivating to those of you trying to slim down. (I always gain a ton with my pregnancies.) Here's the good news:

- You can follow my pregnancy on my other blog, Motherhood Later than Sooner. I will be chronicling my pregnancy every week on Thursday.

- When the baby comes, you will have to come back over here to watch me get back in shape!!! I will share with you all the nitty gritty, including surgery should it prove necessary.

See you in March!!


Angela said...

Congratulations :)

deb said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! (wish I could use a bigger font) I'm so happy for your family.