Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Don't stop before the miracle happens...

There is a saying in 12-step programs that sometimes people give up on recovery just days or even minutes before the miracle was going to happen for them. When a newcomer enters the room, people encourage them not to leave before their miracle happens.

The same could be said for those of us struggling to make any dream come true, whether it's me, pursuing my dreams of having my own business or having a successful career in music. And of course, the same could be said for the pursuit of good health and our dream body.

I attribute to the success I've had in any endeavor to three things:

- Having a clear vision
- Having a defined plan

I would love to say that the third piece of the puzzle for me has been following the plan, but I need to get honest and say that I am not always able to follow my plan perfectly. I know not many people can relate to falling off the wagon after having some modicum of success (HA), but I can honestly say that what is a consistent thread throughout all the success stories is that we all stay in the game, keep trying, keep plugging along. Me, I have tons of people who support me and when I'm faltering, I reach out to them like my life depends on it. And in some regards, it does. I don't ever want to go back to the way life was before I got in decent shape. I don't ever want to feel the self-loathing, insecurity, lack of confidence, physical discomfort that comes with being overweight.

What do I want? I want the joy, the sass, the bliss that comes with knowing I'm living my life EXACTLY the way I want to, and EXACTLY the way God intended. Having a buff, sexy body will be a sweet bonus. Not the end goal, just a symptom of living a healthy, happy life.

I'm holding on for my miracle. I'm not going anywhere till I get it and when I get it, I'm never letting go.

How about you?


Anonymous said...

I think you are looking at it the right way! Eating healthy and working out is just a bonus of life :) Hang on to your dream and see yourself the way you want to look everyday. It will happen...i'm proof.

There are so many healthier versions of things if you begin to stumble email me and i'll shoot you one! Fail to plan, plan to fail.

KatieP said...

Love this SO much I added it to my blog post this morning ♥

Annsterw said...

AS A person 12 years in recovery...RIGHT THERE WITH YA!!!!!!! Love your blog!

GClef1970 said...

I agree with redhead. :-)