Yep, that's right. I saw 188.5 this morning. Of course, I immediately texted Tony to let him know. Do you know what his response was?
"185 goal for next Monday morning. I know you can do it.
In order for us to do this we need complete compliance to the meal plans with NO deviations. However, I will give you some high carb greens lights this week. I will let you know when.
Water must be high and increase some acv :)"
Whoa. Now, truthfully, this was my goal for myself, too. And even more truthfully, I want someone to push me to the most I can deliver. That's why I signed up for Dreambodies (and paid 3 months up front). I am committed to this. But whoa. No time to stop and smell the roses, yo. It's just onward and downward.
I made sea bass for dinner tonight. DANG, it was good. No wonder it costs over $20 a pound. DANG DANG DANG.
And how about my first ever boyfriend, first love, first everything found me on Facebook? What the hell is up with that? I cut off all ties over TEN years ago. Haven't been in contact with him throughout my entire marriage. And now here he is, saying he had hoped he'd find me before I got married. I was like, well, I got married 7 years ago and I'm really, really happy, so oh well! I mean, I wish him well and all, but it was NOT a perfect relationship, by any means. It pretty much ended with me in a mental institution and then rehab. Need I say more?
OK, that's all for me. I think I'll hit an online OA meeting, work a bit and go to bed.
Later, y'all.
1 comment:
Yay on the weight loss!!! Girl just keep doing what Tony says and every week you will see new awesome progress. When I started with Tony in March I was 193lbs. Last weigh in I was 149 and I am weighing in again tomorrow, hoping to be at 145! You can do it! cheering for you :D *hugs* beautiful kids btw :)
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